In 2024, JerseyCAN continued to work to create more educational opportunities for students across our state. In 2024, we accomplished the following wins:
JerseyCAN continued a multi-year effort to align New Jersey’s literacy approach to the science of reading by passing a package of bills that establish a statewide literacy screener, a working group to guide and provide recommendations on literacy implementation to the Department of Education, professional development for teachers and a reading intervention program for struggling students based on foundational literacy.
JerseyCAN also worked to create new pathways into the teaching profession through teacher apprenticeship programs by working with legislators to form a new teaching apprenticeship commission that will take on the issue over the coming months.
JerseyCAN successfully addressed inequities in charter school facilities funding through the creation of a low-interest, revolving loan fund for charter and renaissance schools.
We look forward to making even further progress in the new year. Stay tuned–we’ll be sharing our legislative goals in early 2025.