Amidst a statewide spike in COVID-19 cases and an increasing pivot back to more remote learning, the first statewide poll of New Jersey parents this school year shows that families want a better remote education experience. The poll also identified stark racial and income disparities in access to the additional learning help students need to be successful. The statewide survey was conducted by Global Strategy Group and commissioned by the New Jersey Children’s Foundation and the statewide advocacy group JerseyCAN to provide better information to the public and policymakers about the effect of COVID-19 on the state’s 1.3M+ public school students and their families.
Read More about the findingsJerseyCAN joined 32 other National education advocacy organizations in writing to the US Department of Education, Secretary designate Cardona in support of statewide summative assessments during the pandemic.
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JerseyCAN and 18 other New Jersey educators and organizations shared a letter to Governor Murphy urging action to address learning loss. This letter made 4 recommendations for action.
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JerseyCAN joined 45 other national organizations supporting the U.S. Department of Education’s updated guidance on key ESSA provisions in 2020–21.
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JerseyCAN led a coalition of support for Bill S3214/A5126- looking to ensure there is statewide data on the academic impact of this pandemic on New Jersey students.
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JerseyCAN led a coalition letter focused on several research-based interventions and pilot programs that should be supported by the ARPA ESSER state set-aside funds.
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JerseyCAN submitted research and evidenced based comments on the State’s ARP plan
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