By Brian Brodeur at Tap Into TV

LITTLE FALLS, NJ — TAPintoTV Executive Producer, Brian Brodeur, was joined by Janellen Duffy, Senior Advisor with JerseyCan, and Vivian Cox Fraser, President and CEO of the Urban League of Essex County, to discuss a recent report released by the Global Strategy Group and the New Jersey Children’s Foundation examining parents’ perspectives on remote learning during the 2020-21 school year.

“We thought it was incredibly important to do this survey of parents in this school year,” Duffy said, “and hear directly from them about what was on their mind.” According to the survey results, Duffy said, “parents are concerned about their children’s social and emotional well-being,” and the biggest fear that emerged “was this concern about making sure their kids stay on track academically,” Duffy added.

“We do know that districts and teachers are doing their absolute best in whatever medium they’re trying to reach students, they have been nothing short of amazing,” Duffy stressed. She noted that “the top things parents are asking for is regular contact with teachers, more information about how their students are doing and if their kids are on grade level.”

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